ACT has qualified volunteer tax consultants to help people living with HIV complete their Income Tax Return. The service is free and confidential, is open to registered service users of ACT.

Welcome to ACT’s Tax Clinic, part of The Canada Revenue Agency’s Community Volunteer Income Tax Clinic Program (CVITP).

Due to COVID19 and to respect physical distancing guidelines, ACT has developed a Drop-Off Tax Clinic to help individuals who qualify for assistance under the CRA’s Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) to file a T1 Individual Tax and Benefits Return.

Registration opens Tuesday 27 February 2024 at 10am

Tax Years

The Tax Clinic can file taxes for the years 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020 only.

For information on filing taxes for previous years please contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281.


To be eligible for ACT’s Tax Clinic the following conditions must be met:

  • Living with HIV
  • Registered Service User of ACT
  • Province of Ontario only
  • Income is within the allowable Total Family Income
  • Simple Tax Situation

Family Income

Family SizeTotal Family Income
One PersonUp to $55,000
Two PeopleUp to $65,000
Three PeopleUp to $67,500
Additional+ $2,500 per additional family member

Simple Tax Situation

In general, your tax situation is simple if you have no income or if your income comes from any of these sources:

  • Employment
  • Pensions
  • Benefits such as the Canada Pension Plan, Disability Insurance, Employment Insurance, and Social Assistance
  • RRSP / RDSP  (Registered Retirement Savings Plan / Registered Disabled Savings Plan)
  • Support Payments
  • Scholarships, Fellowships, Bursaries or Grants
  • Interest under $1,000


Your tax situation IS NOT considered simple if you have any of the following:

  • Income more than the allowable Total Family Income
  • Self-Employment or Employment Expenses
  • Business Taxes or Business Expenses
  • Earned Rental Income (Landlords)
  • Declared Bankruptcy
  • Taxes for a deceased person (Estate Taxes)
  • Capital Gains or Losses from Investments
  • Out of Province or Out of Country Taxes


Registration opens on Tuesday 27 February 2024 at 10am*

To register for our Drop-Off Clinic please call 416-340-8141 and leave a voice message. Please remember to speak slowly and clearly and repeat your telephone number twice.  Your phone must be able to accept calls and voice messages from unknown/private numbers.

Once your eligibility has been confirmed,  we will send a Tax Clinic Kit to your home address. Simply fill out all the relevant forms and submit them with your tax slips on the designated drop-off days.

*If you had your taxes filed through our Tax Clinic last year, your will automatically be registered with the Tax Clinic this year.   You will be sent a Tax Clinic Kit via Canada Post by the end of February 2024.  If you do not receive your Tax Clinic Kit by Tuesday 27 February 2024, please contact us at 416-340-7558.

Intake Appointments

If you are living with HIV and are not a registered service user of ACT, please call us at 416-340-2437 and speak to one of our Service Access Coordinators to arrange an Intake Appointment and a referral to the Tax Clinic.

CRA My Account

For 2023 the CRA will start the process of switching to electronically providing a Notice of Assessment and Notice of Reassessment through CRA My Account.  For more information on all CRA Electronic Services and to register for My Account please visit:

Registration process to access the CRA sign-in services –

Get Ready for Tax Season

Plan ahead for the tax-filing season. To avoid delays  the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) encourages you to sign up for My Account and Direct Deposits.

To discover more, please visit:

Get ready to do your taxes –

CRA Help Line

If you need assistance with any of CRA’s online service, please give them a call.  The CRA’s knowledgeable staff provide support, information and assistance with electronic services such as My Account and Direct Deposit

The CRA also assists those who choose to file their own taxes using one of the CRA certified tax preparation software such as Turbo Tax and Simple Tax.